
Wednesday 29 January 2014

Grey Days, Bright Felt

Ugh, the weather is seriously miserable today - dark, grey skies and lots of rain.

Luckily there's lots of sunny colour in my work-in-progress pile to help cheer me up!

Just delicious.

Here are a couple of other snaps from projects I'm working on at the moment...

... some scraps left over from a brainstorming / prototype-sewing session:

... and one of the upturned-tin-lids I'm using for my in-progress projects:

I hope you like the look of the leaves on the right, as they'll be making an appearance tomorrow as a little tutorial :)


  1. I love how we as crafters always find beauty in those leftover "to be trashed" scraps. Those leaves are super cute, looking forward to the tutorial.

  2. can't wait to see what all comes out of this lovely heap! Do you use wool felt?

  3. Those colors are so much fun! It would definitely cheer me up working with them! And those leaves are gorgeous, I can't wait to see the tutorial.

  4. Kristy - I can rarely resist taking a photo of my leftover scraps, especially when they're in yummy colours like those!

    Lily - thanks! x

    Jennifer - I do sometimes, but mostly I use wool blend felt (30% wool) and a high quality synthetic felt.

    Rebecca - thanks! Working with bright colours definitely lifts my mood. I have a lot less fun sewing browns :)

    Alessandra & Silly Little Sheep - thank you! I hope you'll enjoy the tutorial x

  5. Love the springy scraps. Look forwards to seeing what the non-scraps turn into

  6. Thanks! I am working on at least one new tutorial for the blog so - fingers crossed - it won't be too long before you get to see whay I'm making :)


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