
Saturday 26 October 2013

Some Cross Stitch in Progress & A Look Inside My Book

I have finally made a start on stitching the "stop faffing about" sampler I designed back in the spring.

I've been feeling quite tired in the evenings lately and haven't been able to really focus on any of the crafty projects I've had in progress. It's been quite frustrating not having any crafting to do while watching TV, so I thought it would be good to make a start on something super-simple that even my sleepy brain can manage.

I find it very amusing that the motto on this sampler is all about NOT procrastinating and yet here I am, taking months and months to get around to stitching it!

Fancy stitching this sampler yourself? You can find this chart (plus a version with a very mild cuss word) HERE.

In other news... you can now "Look Inside" my new book, Super-Cute Felt Animals, over on Amazon. This feature isn't quite as good as being able to flick through a book in a real bookshop but it's still very useful when you're shopping for craft books!

P.S. those of you who follow my blog via RSS feed or email updates - apologies if you've seen this post before! I accidentally hit the wrong button when working on it. Told you I was feeling tired at the moment! :)

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