
Sunday 22 September 2013

Make a Felt Squirrel from My New Book!

Hello! I'm getting lots of stuff done this weekend but it's all terribly boring, un-blog-worthy stuff like tidying and cleaning and doing laundry.

In much more fun news, CICO Books have started a group on Ravelry for crafters making stuff from their books and they've shared one of the projects from my new book (Super-Cute Felt Animals) as a free tutorial. Hurrah! If you want to learn how to make Sidney the squirrel, you can find the tutorial here.

In shop news, my clearance sale continues...

If you've had your eye on any of these three flower designs - quick! there's just one of each left in stock.

Pink cherry blossom trio brooch, now just £7.50.

White and peach cherry blossom trio brooch, now just £7.50.

Auricula trio brooch, now just £6.

And I'm also down to my last couple of Bluetit and Bullfinch brooches (both now £7 each).


You can find all my sale stock HERE.


  1. Thank you very much for the tutorial, it's a beautiful squirrel

  2. what a darling squirrel!!!
    thanks for sharing the tutorial!!!

  3. I love that cute little squirrel! We have a few that come to play in our back garden and we feed them nuts. I'd like to make a felt one, but I'm not sure from the tutorial how big the templates are. Please could you tell me the size of one of the pieces so that I can get an idea of the correct size? Thanks.

  4. Hi Lynn - my publishers have now uploaded a full size template sheet, you can find it here: (this link is also now included in the project page on Ravelry) The template sheet should be printed at approx A4, and the squirrel's tail piece = approx 3 inches (7.5 cm) high.

  5. I've just done a test print and if you print the template sheet image at 100% it comes out at the correct size :)

  6. Thanks Laura, I've printed out the templates at A4 and I'm good to go now - as soon as I find my grey felt!

  7. That little squirrel is adorable. Off to print out the template to make for my grandson, Thank you for sharing.

  8. Hope you enjoy sewing the squirrel, Lynn!

    Winnibriggs House - I hope your grandson likes his squirrel! :)


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