
Monday 8 April 2013

My Assistant, Assisting (Again)

I've got a few more random pics to share with you guys today - this time of my furry studio assistant. I've blogged before about how "helpful" my parents' cat is. Here he is "helping" while I was doing some work in my folks' home office.

Exploring an empty shelf...

... empty shelves are very exciting and need to be inspected very carefully.

Guarding some paperwork...

... which he later tried to tear into pieces when I didn't immediately rush downstairs to feed him on demand (this is the office equivalent of knocking my alarm clock on the floor when I won't get out of bed to feed him in the wee small hours).

And catching some Zzzzs because all this helping is hard work :)


  1. So comforting having around a furry friend :) Yes, they demand attention but there's something soothing about them :)

  2. Yeah very stressing, 'cos He's your dessigner cute is puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurfect.Kisses from Spain!

  3. The last picture, yr sleeping assitant , was exactly my situation yesterday morning before driving to work! Nothing would have moved me out of by bed and my bedroom!
    Have a good day and a nice week,

  4. Aw yes. I too have an assistant, Delphi Dog, though she is mostly Daddy's assistant in the gardens he builds for people. She is good company.


  5. I love this guy, seriously. I wish my cat Sam was as helpful ;-)

  6. So cute!!! Great cat!!!
    I too have two assistants - two girls - a dog Tara and a cat Biba - furry friends are the best!!!

  7. Thanks for your comments everyone! Lovely to hear about all your assistants :)

  8. Haha!! Felines are great "assistants", aren't they? Mine will resolutely ignore me until I start to work on something that they really shouldn't sit on/in/under &, with almost psychic skills, they are there within seconds!

  9. Amy - yes, how do they do that?? Mine also knows exactly which bit of paper he shouldn't play with / try to eat or rip to shreds, and heads straight for it! :)


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