
Monday 4 February 2013

Work & Wildlife

I am still busy working - with lots of breaks for tea and cake, of course :)

Most of my own mugs are packed up in boxes (along with the rest of the stuff from my old flat), so I've "adopted" a couple of mugs from my parents cupboards (it's not just me who likes to use the same mugs over and over, is it?). This is an old one that belonged to one of my sisters when they were at school or University, I think... it's from a time of many essays and exams, anyway. It reads "I hate work I hate work I hate work I hate work" and every time I look at it I feel happy because I actually LOVE my job. Even with the occasional crazy deadline!

While on my tea breaks I have been enjoying staring out of the window at all the birds on the bird feeders. As I mentioned last month, lots of birds visit my parents garden.... and I was lucky enough to be sitting right next to the window with my camera when this lovely woodpecker paid us a visit at the weekend:

Which has reminded me that a few weeks ago I managed to get some snaps of a couple of deer sitting around in our neighbours' garden - just chilling out, thinking deer thoughts, planning their schedule for the day, etc. Aren't they lovely?


  1. What an amazing place to live! Must account for a lot of your inspiration :)

  2. o wow, gourgeous pictures !
    Yesterday, I once more used a little bit of the felt I bought in your shop, and even though I do not really 'know' you, it always makes me happy to use it, you make such an inspirational blog !

  3. I have a unicorn mug at my parents house that I have had for as long as I can remember. It is cheesy but reminds me of my childhood. I don't think anyone uses it anymore but me.

  4. Wow,those pictures are amazing!It's been dawning on me recently how much nature stuff makes me happy although when I am out I'm usually accompanied by the mad spaniel so struggle a bit to take any good pictures :)

  5. Great pictures! I saw a deer in a field near where I live the other day, I'd love to be able to look out of my window and see things like that. :)

  6. It must be nice to live and work in such a natural environment. Where exactly do you live? My boyfriend gets foxes in the garden, they are very nice to look at, but easily scared, thank goodness :)

  7. How fun! I love the wildlife shots :-) So lovely.

  8. bairozan - it is a very inspiring place to live, for sure!

    Carla - thank you, that is such a sweet thing to say :)

    Jeca - hurrah for Unicorns! Cheesy mugs are the best :)

    Cheryl - normally I try not to take too many photos as I like to enjoy looking at / experiencing nature instead of worrying about getting the perfect shot but sometimes moments like these just demand to be captured!

    Hazel - they are such lovely animals, aren't they?

    Silly Little Sheep - we live near London, nowhere very rural but near a patch of woodland so we get lots of wild animals visiting the garden including deer, badgers and LOTS of foxes


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