
Friday 4 January 2013

Squares for a Blanket

Regular readers will be familiar with me saying things like "I've been knitting some blanket squares..." as I've been knitting squares to use up random bits of yarn for aaaages.

I had a stash of knitted squares (some large, some slightly smaller) and some balls of yarn leftover from when I was into knitting in my late teens, so a couple of years ago I resolved to knit up all the yarn and finally turn the squares into a couple of blankets.

Well, after many hours of relaxing knitting I finally have enough of the large squares to make a blanket! Woohoo!

Once I've got the layout of these planned out - and once I've finished sewing my sky blanket squares together - I shall start the slow process of sewing this blanket together.

Putting a blanket together from a big pile of squares can be a bit of a dull process (especially weaving in all those ends! yawn!) but it's sort of exciting too as it gets bigger and bigger. I'm very much looking forward to having an actual blanket instead of a box full of squares after all this time.


  1. Ooh I'm jealous, I'm making a crochet blanket with mohair and can't wait for the 'sew it all together' stage. Looks great! Tara

  2. wow..that's cool.. from knitted thing. i've make blanket from square piece of fabric but it was failed coz i made too small. hehehehe. i wanna see ur blanket later..

  3. Must have taken an age to knit all those squares. The end result will be worth it though, can`t wait to see the blanket, when it`s finished. Hugs Val XXX

  4. É bastante trabalho, mas vai ficar lindo!!
    Aguardo para ver depois de pronto.


  5. Thanks guys! I'll be sure to post pictures of the blanket when it's finished :)


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