
Tuesday 1 January 2013


Oh, the possibilities of a fresh new year... and of new pads of paper!


  1. Fresh pages and book and DIARIES (just bought myself a gorgeous one!) are my favourite things, I'm a bit of a stationary geek xx

  2. can't wait to see what comes from that new notebook- sometimes the blank pages put me off but I am sure your possibilities will be fun

  3. Is pad the English word for a pack of paper ? Lol !
    It may seem silly to you, but if English is not your mothertongue, it's not always clear what names mean or where they come from. And now I have learned what pad means in Ipad. In my language a 'pad' is a frog....
    Thank you for the AHA-erlebnis, and have fun with it !

  4. Rozemie - Yes, in English a "pad" is a pack of paper joined at one edge :)

    It means other things too - animals like dogs have soft pads on the bottom of their feet, and you can have cushion pads (inside the cushion) and cotton wool pads (for removing cosmetics, etc), and your "pad" is also slang for your home.

    Language is a funny thing!


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