
Wednesday 9 January 2013

My New Alarm Clock

I've avoided making any big resolutions for 2013, but I am hoping to make some small changes... including trying to go to bed earlier and to get up earlier.

I have never been a real "morning person" but getting up early (when I actually manage it) makes me feel super efficient and organised. I'm also someone who (when I actually bother to stick to one) really thrives on having a routine, so I'm hoping that setting my alarm for the same time each day will help me settle into a more regular working rhythm over the coming months.

I had been thinking about buying a second alarm clock to make sure I don't just turn the first one off in my sleep but it turns out I don't need to buy a new alarm as this furry fellow has decided to volunteer for the job:

I have been living with my parents for about 15 months now, and all of a sudden this Christmas one of their cats has decided that my bed is THE place to sleep. He arrives in the wee small hours of the morning, curls up at the end of the bed and then (when he's woken by the paperboy delivering our paper) he wakes me up at 6.45 loudly demanding food.

Unlike a regular alarm clock, this one cannot be ignored as he has a trick of sitting on the bedside table knocking everything off onto the floor until I get out of bed. Cheeky, but very effective!


  1. My kitty does the same things...but She bit Me! Hughs from Barcelona (Spain)

  2. Haha! I have a furry alarm clock too! He jumps on me and hits me in the face. I don't actually mind as I am also not a morning person and like you I am self-employed and work from home so it is good to have a reliable wake up call!

  3. Mine scratches at the door and yowls very loadly until I get up to feed her,
    Jo xxx

  4. That's precious! I have two of those at home. Except, we have a shelf over our bed. Our 9 year old cat Juniper, likes to perch on said shelf. If I attempt to sleep in, she taps items off the shelf which happily land on my face. It's usually hair bobbins or elastics, until it was my phone once. I don't leave heavy things on said shelf anymore.

  5. My cat does exactly the same. When I moved everything off the bedside table except for a tin of jewellry, he started banging on the tin lid. Cat 1 - 0 Human.

  6. That is so funny how he has suddenly decided to wake you up. We have dogs and are also getting up earlier as part of a New year thing...our dogs though just look at us sleepily and slowly slink out of the room.
    But our cat is waiting at the door very excited to see us!

  7. LOL-I am a night owl, too! I'm also trying to be better, to get up earlier, just for the fact of DAYLIGHT! My kitty girls will try to get me up, sometimes by sitting by me and meowing loudly or using my bed as a racetrack!!! These darned allergies are making me sooo tired. But I do have to laugh at our kitty alarms!!!!

  8. What can I say - it's going to be easy to stick to this resolution :)

  9. Thanks for your comments, everyone!

    It seems that furry alarm clocks are selflessly doing their bit to get lots of us out of bed in the morning :)

  10. Perfect!! :) At my Grandmothers, we used to have hens. They are pretty loud in the morning too. I love to wake up early, wspecially at weekends, when my flatmates are asleep almost until noon, and just enjoy the quiet morning with a cup of tea. Then when they wake up, I have already done so many things!! :)

  11. Yes, I love how super-efficient you feel when it's only 9 or 10 am and you've ticked loooads of things off your to do list!

  12. My current furry alarm clock is reasonably tolerant if I ignore him for a while though I do risk the bedside table clearing tactic, but my last furry alarm clock refused to be ignored and would use his claws to prise your eyelids open if you didn't wake up fast enough!

  13. LindyLaine - oh my goodness, I bet that made you get out of bed quickly!! My kitty has recently started poking me in the face if I ignore his miaows for too long in the morning or fall back to sleep, which really makes me jump!


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