
Monday 10 December 2012

Choosing Threads

Just a quick snap to share today - choosing colours for new projects is always so much fun!


  1. How pretty and so organized! I really need to spend some time getting my thread in better shape. Where did you get the card with all of the colors??

  2. It's so nice to look at all these colours :)

  3. LimeRiot - I bought it from here: I don't have a haberdashers near me that carries DMC threads so the card is invaluable in helping me order the shades I need from online stores :)

  4. Oooh, a new embroidery or cross st project? You are SO organized!
    I have a floss holder like that somewhere but it's probably buried underneath old childhood stuff that I need to clean up before the 24th, sigh.

  5. I was choosing threads for a new embroidery project :)

    I have accumulated such a big stash of crafty supplies and in progress projects I have to keep them organised as best I can or my studio gets overrun with mess in no time!!


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