
Friday 30 November 2012

The End of Book Month: Giveaway Winners

As Book Month comes to an end, it's time to announce some lucky winners!

The winner of the copy of The Needlecraft Stitch Directory is...

Kay, who said "Yes please, it would make a great early Christmas present for me."

And the winners of the copies of Martha Stewart's Crafts for All Occasions are...

Inka, who said "Thanks for the opportunity to get this book! I'd love to have one :)"

and SMILE factory,who said "I love craft books! Thank you for a chance! :)"

I've got a whole bunch of crafty books that I've still not reviewed (too many books and not enough time!) so there'll be a review or two popping up over the coming months... but I hope you guys have enjoyed the crazy flurry of reviewing that was Book Month!

I have to admit it can be tricky to come up with useful things to say about craft books sometimes beyond "this is a nice book with nice crafts in it" but I do try to make my reviews as useful as possible. I hope you've found them helpful and maybe discovered a book or two to add to your Christmas wish list?

You can find links to all my crafty book reviews HERE.


  1. Congrats to the winners! :)

    Also, hi! I'm a new follower of your blog, so happy to have found it, love it!


  2. Hi Laura! I hope you'll continue to enjoy my blog x


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