
Sunday 25 November 2012

Current Works in Progress

Wanna see some of the stuff I've been working on recently?

I've been sewing something very colourful using these pretty supplies...

... and doing a bit of research (and lots of sketching) for something new.

I've also been sewing a couple of sets of gingerbread cookie ornaments using the patterns from my book, Super-Cute Felt. These are going to be Christmas gifts for my sisters (they asked me to make them, so I'm not spoiling a surprise by posting this photo, don't worry!).

And I've made a start on finally finishing one of my oldest WIPs - a quilt I started making back when I was a student, about 10 years ago. All the squares are hand stitched and I'm planning on hand quilting it too, so there's lots of hours of work still to go!


  1. Am intrigued by your new wip. Lovely colours! And so glad there are people who have quilts that seem to take forever. I have one still 'on the go' from about 6 years ago.

  2. I like the colors of your new project. The christmasornaments are very lovely.

  3. gorgeous once again!
    and that hand sewed quilt, one day it will become a collectors item, for sure !
    Love from Belgium !

  4. Yummy colours there! And the quilt looks lovely.

  5. I have just made a set of your gingerbread ornaments and threaded them onto a piece of ribbon. Cant wait to hang them up this Christmas! Loving your book and really enjoy your blog.
    Best wishes
    Mandy (beginner sewer)

  6. Olá querida!
    Fiquei encantada pelos seus trabalhos, vi seus anjinhos em um post com seu link e vim te visitar e seguir.
    Parabéns!!! Tudo muito lindo

  7. WinnibriggsHouse - Yup, I think quilts are one of those things that take so long they require a lot of focus and determination to actually finish the whole thing & not keep them "in progress" for years. I am too easily distracted by new projects, I think!

    Mandy - I'm so glad to hear you've been enjoying my book, I hope you'll enjoy the gingerbread ornaments this Christmas :)


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