
Monday 1 October 2012

Remembrance Poppies

I hope you guys enjoyed all those angels! I had hoped to finish the week by sharing some angel-themed paper crafting projects at the weekend but unfortunately life got in the way and they're still in my "work in progress" pile. I'll share them as soon as I have the time, I promise :)

In other news...

For every felt poppy that I sell from my shops during the next couple of months I'll be donating £1 to the Poppy Appeal, supporting the work of the Royal British Legion.

The poppies are part of my range year-round but customers buying them from me at this time of year often mention that they're buying their poppy to wear for Remembrance Day, so I think it's important that I make a donation! (Last year I was able to donate £42 to the Poppy Appeal, from poppies sold during November).

I'll be donating £1 for each poppy sold during October and November this year (2012), including those in my clearance sale. The poppies are available from my main shop, my Etsy shop, my Folksy shop and my DaWanda shop.

UPDATE: My poppy design is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns


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