
Monday 22 October 2012

A Sneaky Kitty

So, a few weeks ago I was sitting on the sofa, working on my laptop and planning to do some sewing a bit later... I got up for a few minutes and when I came back someone had stolen my seat!


  1. Cats always looking the best set to sleep warm and confortable. My kitty do the same. Hairy seats!


  2. Looks familiar. Just be glad he's not curled up ON the laptop!

  3. HAHAHAHHA, I have the same problem with my dogs!!

  4. Stealing your seat or reclaiming his?! At least he didn't nick your sewing...

  5. Awwww far too cute to move! x

  6. Katie - haha, yes that would be worse! Luckily our cats have no interest in our laptops (though the small one is fascinated by my screensaver...)

    Coffee and Cream - he definitely thinks it's his seat! He gets quite cross when he strolls in ready for a nap and someone is sitting in "his" space :)


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