
Wednesday 29 February 2012

Scraps and Rosettes

On Monday I watched The Illusionist (which A made me blub and B made me want to start planning a trip to Edinburgh!) and cut out some felt shapes ready for sewing some bluetit brooches and auricula brooches. Even the leftover scraps look rather lovely:

Yesterday (Tuesday) I'd been planning on taking a trip into London to visit the V&A for a bit of inspiration but I wasn't feeling too well so had to postpone it in favour of a restful day on the sofa. Boo.

To cheer myself up I decided to have an impromptu "making day" and to work on a new design... The end result? Rosette brooches for champion tea drinkers:

Naturally, I drank lots of mugs of tea while working on these!

Each one will be decorated with a cute teapot-shaped button...

... and they'll be available in four colourways, hopefully sometime soon. I'll keep you updated!

P.S. talking of re-arranged plans, I'll draw the giveaway winners tomorrow :)


  1. These tea rosettes are just scrummy. Love them!

  2. the rosettes are really cute!!
    xxx Alessandra

  3. I know so many people who would qualify for this award!!

  4. Beautiful brooches, perfect gift for Mother's Day - you have such lovely ideas!

  5. Thanks guys! I'm a big tea fan myself so I'm definitely going to have to keep at least one of these for my jewellery box.


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