
Friday 19 August 2011

Taking a Short Break

September is looming, and there are lots of things on my "to do before the end of summer" list which haven't yet got done. So, I'm taking a short break to concentrate on getting some admin, etc out of the way and to work on a few new projects for the autumn. I'll still be blogging and answering emails etc but I won't be posting any parcels next week.

Any orders from my shops placed between 21st-28th August will be shipped when I get back to work on the 29th August. If you want anything posted before then, please get your order in today or tomorrow!

And just because a blog post without a picture feels very weird, here's a snap of some almost-finished brooches lined up and waiting for the postie to deliver a new supply of brooch bars:


  1. Lindos tus trabajos, el blog muy interesante. Felicitaciones

  2. Hope you have a productive break. Thought I'd send you a link to felt goodies I created using felt I bought from you:

    Thank you!


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