
Friday 22 July 2011

Busy busy

Out of nowhere this week has turned into one of those crazy hectic rush around ticking things off the to do list at the speed of light weeks.

Lots of sewing, lots of parcel packing, lots of admin, lots of website tinkering, lots of domestic chaos (involving a plumber and an electrician)... but not a lot of time for blogging!

Two quick things before I head back to my to do list:

1) It's now less than 7 weeks until my book - Super-Cute Felt - is published here in the UK! Eeek! I'm starting to get quite nervous now...

and 2) Look at the huuuge stash of airmail stickers the ladies at the Post Office gave the boyfriend the last time he posted some parcels for me:

Fifty whole sheets of them! I wonder how long it'll take me to get through that lot?


  1. CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOUR BOOK. Do not panic, everything will be ALL RIGHT!

  2. Congrats on the new book Laura!

    Isn't it great having a friendly & helpful post office? Ours is great, they even offered to collect our packages when Mr H hurt his back and couldn't drive!

  3. Congratulations on your book, It's going to fly off the shelves I'm sure x

  4. Thankyou! xxx

    H is for Home - yes, it makes a huge difference! I'm not sure they'd come and pick up our parcels for us though :D


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