
Wednesday 15 June 2011


I have somehow managed to hurt my back while yawning.

It was one of those big, early morning, stretching yawns. Something went "click" and I have been saying "ouch" a lot ever since. Very annoying!

It's getting better (slowly) but I've had to set aside much of my planned to do list for this week in favour of sitting on the sofa working my way through some of the books on my reading pile...

... and I can't be on the computer for very long, so it make take me a bit longer than usual to reply to emails, publish & respond to blog comments, etc, over the next few days.

I'm also taking a short blogging break, but *fingers crossed* I'll be back very soon :)


  1. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing, but... LOL ;) Get well soon, an ouchie back is incredibly annoying, no matter how you hurt it. (yawning? dang, I'm chuckling again! Sorry...)
    I wish I could read every Pratchett book for the first time again. It would be like meeting the love of your life for the first time again, oh what a feeling :)

  2. Ah, those F Scott Fitzgerald short stories are wonderful! What a lovely looking edition you have!
    Hope your back gets better soon also!

  3. Oi seu Blogs é muito fofo

    Parabéns já estou seguindo
    me faz uma visitinha

  4. Ahh I am also a Terry Pratchett fan, good choice!
    Get better soon
    Emily x

  5. oh! I love Terry Pratchett!
    amazing edictions! you're so lucky :3

  6. Aww back problems are never fun :( If it doesn't feel like it's releasing maybe go see the doctor and see if they can adjust your back. Do hope you feel better soon, there are stranger things that throw out one's back than yawning :) My dad once threw out his picking up a sock.

  7. Make u some elaborate sporting accident to explain your injury - it'll make the time pass much more entertainingly!

    I love Moving Pictures - it was the first Terry Pratchett book I ever read (aged about 15), and I've been addicted ever since.

  8. Wow, that is one serious yawn!!

  9. Oh no! Haha. Your stretches must be strenuous. :) Sorry. I once knew a girl who broke her rib from laughing too hard, so at least you're not that badly injured. What a great collection of books!

  10. Thanks for the well wishes everyone, they're much appreciated! My back's 99% sorted now, so it's back to work... sigh :D


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