
Wednesday 11 May 2011

My first attempts at crochet

I tried crochet for the first time today - so exciting!

The lovely lady who is teaching me has the patience of a saint and was sweet enough not to laugh at all the strange faces I pulled while concentrating on stitching this :)

It's very strange getting the hang of how to hold the hook and the yarn, after so many years knitting... but it's lots of fun.

I am slightly worried though that I am now going to spend the whole week practising these stitches and not get any work done!


  1. Looking at the photo, I have the feeling you're really getting the hang of it! I love to see how crafters learn to crochet - a craft I totally love myself. Keep it up!

  2. Trust me, once your are hooked (pun fully intended) you won't be able to put it down! Welcome to the dark side :)

  3. NICE, you go girl :)
    Just give it a minute, you will get a hang of this in no time... keep up the good work :)

  4. Oh lucky you, I'm still looking for someone to teach me. ~c~

  5. Ooh, I'm very envious. I have had to put my crochet ambitions on hold until after the summer, when I might actually have three minutes to spare. I have about a billion crochet projects marked on Pinterest.

  6. I love crochet, I do a lot of travelling and it's such a portable thing to do. Hope you're going to show off some of your projects on your blog eventually x

  7. Crochet is such good fun! I am sure you will enjoy it ... and yes, it is addictive!

  8. I was so lucky to learn crocheting as a kid! It's a great hobby, and I've only recently re- discovered thehooker in me :D My boyfriend was treated to my first- ever amigurumi last week (a little Yoda, so much for the Dark Side!), which I made after deciphering my first- ever pattern. You will love every stitch, promise! Good luck with your lessons, you'll be a pro in no time.

  9. I have always wanted to crochet!Love the colour of the wool!
    C x

  10. you + Crochet = will be total awesome {I can't wait to see what you come up with -
    It's so coincidental, I just returned from the library with a book entitled "teach yourself to crochet or something like that!"}

  11. I'm doing the exact same thing during lunch breaks a work including making faces trying to get the yarn to behave. I'm slowly getting better at it. If I can figure it out, so can you!

  12. Looks like you are doing a fab job! My first attempts were dire, but I was teaching myself from a book....why did I never think of you tube?!?!? Am on holiday at the moment and have picked up a hook for the first time in ages - one large blanket coming up!

  13. You will get the hang of it! Co-incidentlly I just put on my new blog how I got ‘hooked’ and how I’ve come back to it after many years. I don’t find it easy, but I love the finished result.

  14. Thanks for all the comments everyone, they're making me even more excited to start my crochet "journey".

    So many of my online crafty friends have taken up crochet recently, I feel like we're all learning together :)


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