
Saturday 28 May 2011

Blanket Colours

I'm not sure exactly why but I have decided that my first crochet blanket (a giant granny square) will be blue and green.

I went yarn shopping and found a gorgeous dark olive green, a lovely turquoise and a bright spring green... and built the rest of the palette around them:

There was much umming and aahing in the shop and swapping of colours until I got the mix "just right" but I got there in the end. I'm rather excited to get started now!


  1. The colours are fantastic, your blanket will be divine!
    Shopping for yarn is the equivalent for shopping for lollies as a kid isn't it!

  2. it will look lovely! I've never tried making granny squares...

  3. I made a big granny square blanket for my mom and one for my dad and found the square stretched out all wonky at the edges as I worked, so that is something to watch out for. I didn't use the best yarn because each blanket required so much and I was kinda broke, but I will be interested to read about your experiences with the process. Good luck! Your color choices are really lovely.

  4. Love the colours!! they are so peacefull :)

  5. you're truly hooked! Looking forward to hear about the progress of the blanket!

  6. Lovely pallet!!! I'm working on a huge grannysquare blanket too right know and I love making it :) Have fun with yours!!!

  7. Lovely colours can't wait to see the finished results.

  8. Thanks everyone! I'm really pleased with how the colours are looking now I've started stitching the blanket... I'll post some in progress pics soon :)

    Rie - it's exactly like that! So many yummy things to choose from, and never enough pocket money to get the all ;D

  9. Debra - yup, mine is going a bit wonky at the edges too. Fingers crossed it'll still look okay when it's finished!


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