
Friday 8 April 2011

Spring Primroses

The boyfriend was away yesterday evening so I took over the lounge and spent the evening crafting - what fun!

I tried out lots of ideas that have been buzzing round my head for weeks/months and made a big felty mess, it was wonderful.

At the end of the evening I had lots of works in progress (more about these soon!) and one finished design... primrose hair combs:

I used to sell little primrose brooches a few years ago, and when I rediscovered the pattern pieces I thought a little cluster of primroses would look lovely on a comb.

I'm thrilled with how they turned out, and can definitely see more flower hair combs in my future.

The combs are now for sale (individually) over in my Etsy shop and in my Folksy shop.

UPDATE: My primrose design is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns


  1. oh so very pretty!!! That's what I call a productive crafty evening :-)

  2. Those are just lovely! Great idea!

  3. they are so pastel - tender and i feel spring spirit..very lovely!!!

  4. Perfect colors for Spring! :) Lovely work! Congrats!!


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