
Wednesday 6 April 2011

A Celebratory Shopping Spree

Most of the money I've earned from writing Super Cute Felting will be spent on sensible/boring things like paying rent and bills and taxes (I'm doing my accounts this week: ugh!) ... but I wanted to spend it on something special, too.

I always have a long wish list of prints from artists and illustrators I've discovered on Etsy or elsewhere online, so I decided to treat myself to some art:

A fox and a wren from KateFete.

Kate's work is so charming, if you're a bird fan you must check out her lovely brooches.

Seed and Sow from Swallowfield. Just gorgeous.

And three birdie prints from Geninne.
I bought some of Geninne's birds a few years ago, they're on display in our kitchen, I love them and they're always much admired by visitors.

As well as enjoying these prints for their own awesomeness I'll always connect them with that lovely happy "finished book" feeling. I can't wait for them to arrive!

Have you bought any art / discovered any artists on Etsy lately?


  1. Congratulations on the book!
    We discovered you on folksy and have featured one of your headbands on our blog, your work is lovely!

  2. Thankyou! & thanks for the feature x

  3. I just recently saw some of Kates work in the flesh at a small gallery up in Milton Keynes! There was a large display of her gorgeous collaged birds and brooches and I just fell in love with her work there and then =)

  4. Someone on twitter sent me a link to pics of the exhibition, all those birds look so amazing together!


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