
Friday 19 November 2010

Vintage Threads

Small treasures:

I love vintage haberdashery, especially anything involving retro typography, so when I was having a tidy up I couldn't resist lining these up and taking a photo to celebrate their loveliness.

Most of these have gorgeous wooden spools, my favourite is the small spool of "service khaki", which is only an inch high.


  1. Love these! I'd even be tempted to frame them and put them on the wall ( :

  2. I don't suppose you know where I can find these do you? I only have 5 and I'd like to own at least 20 but they are hard to find outside the UK. :(

  3. Hi Ali, I inherited most of these from my grandmother so I'm not sure exactly where the best place is to buy some from... but you could perhaps try searching on Etsy? I often see vintage sewing notions & haberdashery bits for sale on there and even if you can't find a seller local to you, you may find some who ship internationally :)


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