
Sunday 22 August 2010

Vintage Dreams

After having lots of guests to stay last week I've realised just how little spare bedlinen we own.

I've been trying to find some on the highstreet that I like but I've gradually realised that what my heart really wants is lots of vintage-style florals like this (the current star of my linen cupboard)...

.... and the current fashion for bedlinen just can't match up to those dreams (or those prices - the pink florals cost a mere £4 from a Bristol charity shop).

I've not found any bedlinen I like yet but while looking for some online I found this gorgeous stash of floral fabric:

It's a pair of curtains and some assorted cushion covers. With all my daydreams about a house full of vintage floral loveliness I just couldn't resist it. The boyfriend think's I've gone mad but honestly isn't it just lovely?


  1. oooh gorgeous gorgeous retro colours! xx

  2. Ooooh, they're gorgeous! I love a bit of vintage floral.

  3. Gorgeous fabric!

    I love vintage fabric and charity shop curtains are a current favourite - they're great for making clothes.

  4. they are so lovely - I have started my own vintage floral sheet collection, but none as lovely as yours yet!

  5. Ooooo - those are very pretty. There were a couple sets of fun floral vintage sheets at my local thrift. I saw them there a couple times and passed them up b/c "I just don't Need them". And now they're gone. *sigh* I think I miss them.

    Nope - you're not crazy - they are very much fun!

  6. Oh my goodness...wehad curtains exactly the same when I was little...flash back!

  7. fabulous prints - you could incorporate them into a quilt for the bed!

  8. That's one gorgeous sheet. I have a passion for collecting vintage bed linen. A passion I'm not sure my hubby enjoys!

  9. I used to have these curtains in my bedroom when I was a teenager in the early 70s. I had a purple and white tie-dyed bedspread with it. I wanted my walls dark purple, but well... parents and all that! LOL Thanks for bringing back a happy memory.

  10. Pauline - you're very welcome! :D


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