
Tuesday 20 July 2010

Taking Photos

After a week of rain we had some amazing sunshine yesterday, which was fantastically well timed as I'd arranged to meet up with a kind friend to take some photos...

... including snaps of my "new" crowns which have embarrasingly been "in development" for about two years now (and which will finally be listed in my Etsy shop later this week, I swear).

As I learned when trying to photograph the prototypes way back in 2008 (2008!!) it is almost impossible not to start giggling when you're wearing a crown. Swan masks are also quite hilarious :)


  1. I don't know if you've ever heard or seen the movie Billy Madison, but I just had the line "What are you looking at swan?" pop into my head.


    i also know what it's like to be determined to finish something just as something else comes up.

  2. Your lucky you got some sun, it has been raining here for the last 10 days.... I really NEED to take some photos! Good old British Summertime : )


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