
Tuesday 27 April 2010

WIP Challenge - week 2

My workbox-clearing challenge continues, and last week was all about poppies:

Whilst sewing on all those beads I've been listening to some recordings from Librivox. I discovered Librivox (an archive of free audiobooks from the public domain) after one of my lovely blog readers recommended it, and I'm a total convert. So many great books to listen to, and all for free! Gosh, I love the internet.


  1. I think you should feel really proud of yourself for doing this challenge. I'm sure it makes you feel very accomplished!

  2. I love the mass of different coloured poppies in the box - like a little field!

  3. A friend just introduced me to, which seems to be really similar to Librivox. I haven't actually used it yet, but I may have to give it a try next time I have serious house-cleaning to do or something. :)

  4. I felt so good I would watch with wonder and love, I'm curious

  5. The poppies look fantastic all together, such lovely colours.

    I bought one of your birds a couple of weeks ago, and was surprised that you don't have your own label type thing on the back. I think you should - I gave it to my mum, and I know her friends will like it but she will just say she got it from me.

  6. i love to see these WIP photos.

    and thanks for letting me know about Librivox! cool!

  7. Zohar - it feels great :)

    Rebekah - ooh, I shall have to check out openculture, thanks!

    Poppet - thanks for the suggestion! For some reason I'd never thought of adding labels on the back before... *starts making plans*


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