
Saturday 10 April 2010

Better late than never...

Back in January I started work on some necklaces, and half-finished a whole pile of them in lots of yummy colours...

... and then (rather typically) I got distracted by some new project or other and they've been sitting in a box ever since. Tsk tsk.

Anyway, I've started work on them again this weekend, and have been happily sewing on lots of beads whilst listening to spy thrillers on the radio and enjoying the sunshine. It's a lovely relaxing task and I'm determined to get them all (finally!) finished this week. I hope you will all nag me about it if I get distracted again :)


  1. Hi, I love reading your make such lovely things! A quick question- Which radio channel plays spy thrillers?? I'd love to tune in to that!! Thanks :-)

  2. Thanks Laura :) I listen to a lot of radio on the BBC's iPlayer - they have lots of crime dramas on BBC7 and this weekend I'm working my way through "The Complete Smiley" which radio4 have been playing as their classic serial. Great stuff!

  3. it will be so satisfying to FINISH something :) Like the whole batch and everything with it, hooray for hard work ^_^


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