
Tuesday 15 December 2009

Knit Knit Purl Purl

I'll be doing lots of knitting this week as several of my Christmas-gift-scarves are still very much works in progress:
Lots of chunky man-friendly knitting on the go at the moment!

Not sure I'm going to get round to knitting anything with these in time for Christmas... ... but I'm really looking forward to trying out the soft grey yarn as I've not knitted with anything that chunky before & I'm loving the muted colours in the other (though it's not quite the colour I thought it was when I was in the shop!). Mmm... yarn...


  1. oooooooooh I do like the colour of the chunky yarn

  2. Good luck on finishing up! I decided to stay with short and easy projects for my Christmas giving. You have a lot of patience!

  3. I really love chunky yarn, but wary because it knits fast!

  4. really chinky wool is great, you can knit a scarf in a matter of hours! I love the stuff!

  5. I know the feeling! I'm in the progress of trying to knit some last minute gifts, but I'm a slow knitter, so it's on a much smaller scale! Good luck finishing up in time :)


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