
Saturday 28 November 2009


Just time for a quick (& slightly crazy!) snap today - three of the scarves I've been knitting as Christmas gifts:


  1. love how the colors fade in and out of each other. Very cool ^_^ I've been knitting again as well!

  2. That's a lot of knitting! And I love the pattern on your coat.

  3. Beautiful colors! They look like part of one scarf!


  4. The colors look so beautiful! Very nice :)

  5. Gorgeous. What kind of wool is that? I'm thinking about having some knitting in my bag as a take along project because I find having sewing stuff too complicated lol!

  6. The yarn is Marble Chunky by James C. Brett - I forget what the individual colours are called though! It's lovely and soft, really nice to knit with :)

  7. How cute is your hair?! You look so pretty :D
    Gorgeous colours in the scarves :)

  8. Hi, I was delighted with your blog, sorry I can not read or write in English ... Then I found a translator on the internet and so I am writing this little text to você.Gostaria much you can receive some of their work, is it possible? I am passionate about crafts. My email is: Here in Brazil has been the custom of exchanging craft, would like to participate? Thank you for allowing us to see your beautiful work.
    Hi. Nicholas Criselidia - Teresópolis - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.

  9. Gorgeous! Congrats on the felt book, by the way.

  10. Hee Hee Hee Hee....I love this photo! What a great way to wear all three scarves and they all look great.

    What yarn did you use for the scarves?

  11. I think it must be what wearing one of those giant cowls feels like - very snuggly! The yarn is "Marble Chunky" by James C Brett.

  12. Thanks Nicholas but I'm not interested in taking part in an exchange! :)


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