
Sunday 22 November 2009

New New New

I spent a lovely relaxing day yesterday making some new things - very exciting stuff - and then amidst all the dreary grey rain we've had this weekend it was magically sunny for half an hour & I got a chance to take some photos of them all...

A sweet goldfinch ornament:
A fun camera badge/brooch, adapted from a larger custom piece I made last year:

Plus because it's the season for hanging things on tress, I've made a camera ornament too:


  1. I adore the Camera! Simply lovely!

  2. So great! I love the circular stitches at the center.

  3. ahhh i love the camera!!! It's so cute! how much was it listed for? I see it's sold out now. are you planning on making more?

  4. Wow, I can't believe the camera badge sold so quickly! I've made a small batch of them, so there's one back in my shop now :) I really love this design so it will definitely become a regular part of my range!

  5. These are great ideas! As a photographer, I love the camera ornament. Can't wait to see what you create next!

  6. those are beautiful! And there is a present for you at my blog :

  7. I love the camera so much!!It would be such a nice present for a photo nerd.

    It reminds me of when I did a custom order for a t-shirt with an old casette tape made of felt.


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