
Thursday 16 July 2009

Washing Buttons

It is a running joke in our house how often I plan to do things like laundry or tidying and end up sewing or getting distracted by ribbons instead.

Yesterday was a case in point. Instead of doing the washing up, I washed some buttons...Many of these will soon be appearing on some new eco flowers, so it was vital they were washed asap. I can't wait to start matching up buttons and flowers - playing around with colour is always such fun.


  1. lovely buttons! last time I washed a batch, some of them started to dissolve! I don't know what they were made of, but it was gross. :)

  2. Of course you had to wash them straight away! Why would you even consider doing dishes first. ;)

  3. As I tell my daughter - you have to get your priorities right. Buttons are always high priority. I wouldn't want to introduce dirty buttons into my sewing box...

  4. Buttons are definitely more fun than housework!

    Pomona x

  5. Just think , our grannies just used them on clothes-cottonreel

  6. i had to wash a load of buttons once, there were some ones which looked like triffles and they melted all over me too!

  7. Another time I came home to see her ironing. I thought she was ironing my shirts - in fact she was ironing maps!

  8. Definitely more important than housework- lovely buttons.


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