
Thursday 9 July 2009

The Return of the Zines

A long time ago, before I had a blog and a shop and was still at school I started a zine (pronounced "zeen") called "Bugs and Fishes" filled with lots of odd things that were rattling round my brain.

The zine ran from 1999-2005, and when I first set up shop on Etsy I sold copies of it along with several of my other zines and named this blog after it. And now by popular demand (and some nagging from my boyfriend) the zines are back!
Issues 15 to 18 of Bugs and Fishes are currently available, plus "My Library Project" - a slightly obsessive look at the crazy graffiti people write in library books.

You can find them in my Etsy shop or save by buying direct from me via my website where you'll only pay one fixed handling charge for shipping as many zines as you want.


  1. I think some of your zines were the first things I bought on Etsy :)

  2. :D
    Yay for Folksy!
    My sister found a little drawing in a public library book of a mouse and a tomato captioned "the salad mouse steals a tomatoe"!

  3. I'm glad to see that. I really enjoyed your zines, and it's good to see that other people will too.


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