
Wednesday 6 May 2009

Tea Love

I'm very excited today, because I finally got my hands on a copy of this month's Sew Hip.
It's been out for a week or so, but only showed up in my local WHSMITH today and I've been itching to get hold of a copy because of THIS:
Eeeeee! How lush does that page look? I will admit to having gazed at it quite a lot today (I am quite chuffed, can you tell?).So thrilling! Especially rubbing shoulders with so many of my fellow tea-obsessed crafters including the lovely Angharad, super talented Marion of Vintage Town (check out her awesome paper sculptures), the always fantastic KirstyFish, biscuit-loving British Cream Tea and (omg for serious) one of my crafty heroines, Poppy Treffry!!


  1. oh well done you! it does look fabulous, but then I've always thought that photo of the teeny-teas in that lovely matching cup and saucer was inspired.

  2. That is definitely my favourite thing of yours (with the blue-tit brooch a close second).
    A closet fan ;)

  3. congratulations! I saw a picture of the agazine at mairuru's blog and I thought those must be Lupin's and I was right! You deserve it!!! Enjoy it!

  4. Many congrats! That lay out looks great, and I'm thrilled for you. What an excellent pay-off for all your hard work.

  5. Check out that gorgeous tea cup! The perfect match for your fab felt. Hope it brings you loads of new business!

  6. Wow, congratulations! That is such a beautiful picture. How exciting for you!

  7. congrats it looks great, I spotted you earlier this week :0) x

  8. yeh! we rock and you made my tea love even stronger today Lupin x

  9. How wonderful to see your work in print!

    (de-lurking for the first time to say hello!)

  10. this is awesome! congrats :)

  11. congrats – looks like a fab article. will need to look out for the magazine.


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