
Sunday 31 May 2009

Sofa Studio

Yesterday it was boiling hot and we went to the Tall Ships Festival at the Gloucester docks. The festival this year was timed to coincide with with "Gloucester Through the Ages" which basically involves an army of historical societies taking over the city with their re-enactments. There was a whole camp surrounding the cathedral, with dancing and archery and a medieval tournament and small groups of soldiers from throughout the ages marched around the city throughout the day. Totally mad and lots of fun, but quite exhausting especially with the heat.

(I rather typically forgot to take my camera but if you're interested there are some great ones over on Flickr here, here and here).

Today it is just as hot (if not hotter) but I have been quite determined to put my feet up! I've been sitting on the sofa, listening to the radio and using the other half of the sofa as my workspace:I started out by finishing my butterfly-flower pieces (to be photographed & listed soon, I promise!) & working on some frog & bird masks - long languishing in my work-in-progress box.

I planned to make some eyepatches after that but a quick rummage in the wip box then led to sewing ear details onto tiger masks, and finding a whole load of very long-neglected floral pieces. Somehow despite being perfectly happy to leave them untouched for months on end I had to work on them immediately, and they're now destined to be cute badges and large hairbands.

Since taking that picture I've been even further distracted and started work on a new flower design! Haha. I'll post some pictures of them soon if I manage to get them finished and not be distracted by something else in the meantime!


  1. One thing leads to another. It's the price you pay for a creative mind! :)

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who works on the sofa! I'm always getting into trouble from my OH for leaving scissors on there for him to sit on lol.

    The bird masks are very cute :-)

  3. Gorgeousness indeed

    And wow I can't believe you can source tiger print felt. Makes me smile just that bit more :D


  4. Well it's reassuring to know that you guys also use your sofas as a workspace, I'm forever leaving pins everywhere! Loving your work!


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