
Saturday 16 May 2009

Eurovision tonight...

... and how excited am I? I really love Eurovision, and this year I've even managed to watch the semi-finals (god bless the BBC's iplayer) - so much fun!

I have, of course, been doing a bit of sewing while enjoying all the songs. Nothing too exciting, just finishing a few things from my wip box, sewing on brooch backs, finishing details etc.

Between bouts of delicious Euro-nuttiness I've been doing that oh so rare thing: tidying! While making lots of new things this week the housework got a bit neglected and my piles of supplies spread a little further than they ought (oops). It's great being able to totally focus on crafty things for a few days but afterwards tidying up is pretty important. If nothing else, it's nice to be able to actually eat dinner at the kitchen table for once ;)


  1. You are industrious... you put me to shame... I've just been drinking wine and eating olives throughout it :)

    What did you think of Graham as host though - a bit too snide?

  2. I watched it too....I love it for the quirky comedy value. We didn't do too bad this year. I thought I wasn't going to like Graham Norton doing the commentary as Terry Wogan is normally hilarious, but Graham made me chuckle so it wasn't bad. x

  3. Ah so that's how you managed to watch it on friday!

    but what do you thin kabout norway winning?


  4. To be honest we were a bit rowdy when watching it so didn't hear too much of the comments, but Graham seemed pretty funny and we had lots of fun doing Wogan impersonations to make up for his absence, guessing which countries would vote for their neighbours etc ;)

    I still have the Norweigan song in my head! Very catchy tune + Norway's answer to Zac Efron + crazy dancing = surefire hit.

  5. I too watched Eurovision and giggled at Graham Norton's comments. did you think he did a good job?


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