
Friday 22 May 2009

(Almost) Finished Foxes

UPDATE: My felt fox design is now available as a printable PDF pattern in my shop, or in my Patreon pattern library. 

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I'd been planning to go to the Post Office today, but felt quite exhausted and decided it would be better to go tomorrow when I have had more sleep (and am less likely to make a mistake packaging up orders, etc).

While taking it a bit easier-than-planned this afternoon I sat in the afternoon sun and started sewing the almost-finished foxes together: Did you know that a group of foxes is known as a skulk? Skulk is also the collective noun for a group of thieves, so I think I'd better keep my eye on this lot!

The foxes are available from my Etsy, Folksy or DaWanda shops and also on my website.


  1. They are adorable...

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  2. They're lovely. I shouldn't worry, they look too nice to cause any trouble :)

  3. These foxes or skulk are lovely! I hope you feel better tomorrow.

  4. Cute, cute, cute - I love seeing your work grouped together.

  5. What a fab skulk, They're really fab! Hope you're well rested now! :)Love Kittyxx

  6. These are very sweet, I also have foxes on my mind at the moment as a possible next print.

  7. A skulk, really? How fun! They really look too cute to be skulking about and up to no good!

  8. adorable foxes!


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