
Tuesday 21 April 2009

Leaning Towers of Felt

I've been doing a bit of restocking today - making up lots of bundles of felt squares & tying them neatly with matching ribbon while listening to lots of Agatha Christie audiobooks.

Exciting and glamourous times as always! But seriously, it's nice to be getting things stocked up while I'm still taking it easy... and all that colour is always a pleasure:


  1. mmmm....
    those felt towers look scrummy :D

    and huzzah hurrah for Agatha Christie! (even if I tend to watch adaptations rather than listen to audio books)

  2. oh! what christie was it?? i listen to poirot ones have to love david suchet...or not as my friends so often tell me

  3. It was 'Evil Under the Sun' - I love a nice Poirot but to be honest any Christie audiobook keeps me entertained, even the ones with really rubbish plots!

    I love the telly adaptations too but I get a *lot* more work done when I just have an audiobook in in the background instead a screen to gaze at and be distracted by :)

  4. Read whilst watching Poirot DVD whilst current affairs/war freak is out for the evening- bliss!

  5. Ooh, loving the colours! Who would have thought that squares of felt could look so pretty?

    Kate x

  6. I love audio books! (note to self: update ipod with new audiobooks!)


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