
Sunday 22 February 2009

Taking a Break

I've decided to take a short break to read a bit, do some sketching, play around with some new ideas and hopefully get some of the designs I've had floating round my head for ages made into real live things to show you all.

I'll still be blogging - lots of things I want to mention at the moment and lots of photos to take once I remember to charge my camera batteries! - but my shops will be closed for a couple of weeks. I will of course be posting out any outstanding orders, but anything ordered from my shops during my time off will be posted the week of 9th March.


  1. Oh I know the feeling! I shut mine for a while. You come back feeling much better :)

    Enjoy your time away


  2. First off thank you very much! My parcel arrived this morning and I already have all sorts of ideas in my head about what to do with the goodies (although I'm wishing I'd ordered a swatch book too!)

    Have a wonderful rest and I can't wait to see what loveliness you have in the pipeline...

    ps.sorry if this appeared twice, blogger confused me :$

  3. I'll admit I'm tempted to shut down Tumus and make it a Christmas only shop for Holiday ornaments. I'm having alot of fun over on PinPinn right now, but egads.

    With the economy and personal life and just figuring out how to get everything probably should take off with your birdies for a while ^_~ I sure would! hehe



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