
Wednesday 10 December 2008

Other People's Presents

Today is the Royal Mail's recommended last posting date for mail to the US so I've been rushing around like a crazy person getting everything packaged up in time to go to the Post Office in an hour or so...

I always pack everything with care, but at this time of year some of my parcels get a little extra love when my customers want their order shipped direct as a Christmas gift: it's so much fun wrapping other peoples presents!


  1. Oh no! I thought it was tomorrow, oops. Looks like someone will get a late Christmas package..

    I know what you mean about wrapping other people's parcels, I work in a gift shop and I love it when people ask me to wrap their presents for them!

  2. One of my very favorite things about having an etsy shop is wrapping up the orders. I ADORE wrapping things for other people, especially around the holidays because everything looks so festive! :D

  3. I love wrappping present too, but had no idea I had curt it so close for posting! Now for a dash to the post office. Love your santa's beard so much.


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