
Friday 28 November 2008

Floral Treasures

Look what I got!
I fell in love with this vintage crockery I spotted in a charity shop a couple of weeks ago, mentioned it to my boyfriend and lo it appeared in our kitchen:
(that's my parcel packing station, aka our kitchen table, in the background). The boyfriend (who is very long suffering) reports that he can't stand the pattern and thinks I am quite mad for liking such things, but I am just in love with that orange: so springlike and cheerful and fresh! I can picture the teaparties already...

I also got another lovely parcel in the mail today, this time from FlowerPress - two lovely 'Filigree' teatowels:Gorgeous additions to my kitchen linen, and the packaging is rather nice too! They're printed with environmentally friendly inks, and are available in lots of awesome colourways (I had such a hard time choosing). They're also on sale at a discount price until December 2nd to celebrate the first year of Flower Press.

Susie's blog is the newest addition to my blogroll, described as "a mix of art, design, inspiration, horticulture... and other stuff" it makes for a lovely flower-infused read - and I'm not just saying that because she was sweet enough to blog about my Christmas giftwrap ideas, I swear! :)


  1. Oh, I'm definitely with you on the dishes! What do boys know? Hee, hee! They are lovely. Been a reader of your blog for a little while now. Just wanted to say hello and thank you for all of the great tutorials and inspiration!

  2. My mum has some pieces of that set - she collects it so we definitely approve!

    Rosie (who found you after buying a brooch on Folksy)

  3. I love the set! Would be a great thing to have on a grey day. Would brighten up any room :)

  4. Laura that set is just beautiful!!
    And thank you for the lovely words abuot my work and blog :-)

  5. Thats a lovely set of crockery. Just right for summer meals outside, and afternoon tea and cake!

  6. Ooo - I love finds such as that, takes me back to me finding my own tea set in a charity shop. Great days indeed!!!

  7. Ooooh what a beautiful tea set - I love it! Lucky birdy. xx

  8. I collect that stuff and have never seen such a huge amount of it together. I have a covered veg dish, teapot and some plates.
    (You may have realised by now that I am having a good old root through your blog and enjoying it very much.)


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