
Monday 6 October 2008

Pulling Silly Faces

My to do lists often make me laugh - it's hard to keep a straight face when saying things like "right, this morning I need to cut out ten squirrels and then sew a batch of ginger moustaches"!

My task for this morning was no exception: stand outside pulling lots of silly faces at the camera whilst wearing an assortment of masks...
... what must my neighbours have thought! A frog, a rabbit/hare, a leopard/cheetah, some camouflage, a snake and a panda. I'm hoping to get these properly photographed on volunteer models in the spring but for the moment my silly self-portraits will have to do!

PS It was quite early in the morning (to catch the light) and really really really cold. The things I put myself through for the love of felt...

PPS I finished a white rabbit mask too (for all those Alice in Wonderland themed parties) but the tiger one will have to wait as half-asleep I sewed it together wrong and now have to unpick it (curses!)


  1. Ha ha ha ha. I LOVE the squirrel!

  2. curiouser and curiouser ... "White Rabbit, oh do come back"

  3. Giggle, if you would ever get tired of crafting you can always go into acting. Love the "oops" bunny.


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