
Friday 31 October 2008

A Peek into my Workbox

I've been working on lots of odds and ends this week whilst trying to take it easy...
... I've not finished all that much, but I've been cutting out bits of this and sewing bits of that and keeping myself quietly entertained in the process.

I'm also gradually trying to empty my "ready to list" box, filling up my Etsy, Folksy and DaWanda shops with lots of new things, and generally trying to get organised for the run up to Christmas: stocking up on envelopes, making sure my shops look how I want them to, etc etc.

I still have lots of things left on my 'to do' list - including posting the rest of the Christmas crafting tutorials - but I'm having to work through them a little more slowly at the moment! Please bear with me :)


  1. Your pictures always inspire me. Even your workbox looks inviting and cozy. Feel better soon!

  2. Hope you get well soon. My whole family (5 of us) has also caught the bug. Always beautiful work!


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