
Friday 22 August 2008


I'm still taking a "minibreak" from crafting, though as discussed yesterday I'm still ending up doing crafty things with my day... Today, for example, I have been doing some knitting and also tinkering with my DaWanda and Folksy shops.

Following a suggestion from two of my lovely blog readers (thankyou ladies!) I've added my mini felt squares packs to my Folksy shop so you can now buy felt in good old British pounds if you want to :)

DaWanda meanwhile have announced that "the search for colours will play a bigger role on DaWanda in the future" so I've been playing around selecting the two main colours for each of my listings. Their automated colour picker is pretty cool - and very accurate for many of my listings, though obviously I needed to change some of them like this:Psst: I'm taking part in DaWanda's Olymics-themed "Shopathon", so there will be 11% off in my shop (and any other shops taking part) in the final event this Sunday (24th August) from 12am-3pm (CET) and 8pm-11pm (CET).


  1. Thank you, I've just ordered my felt squares on Folksy. I know it's a bit tight but I hate paying my banks £1.50 'you paid in foreign fee' Looking forward to fiddling wth my felt! x

  2. Yay, you are my first ever Folksy customer! Thanks so much xxx


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