
Saturday 16 August 2008

Tax Time

I am currently attending to my accounts in preparation for filling out my tax return, covering half the house in paperwork in the process. After a long day staring at numbers yesterday I was a bit too spaced out to sew anything, so I treated myself to some yummy chocolate biscuits and curled up to read a bit of "Penguin by Design" - a gorgeous book, with lots of lovely pictures to soothe my frazzled brain!


  1. Yikes, Tax - sounds like fun(!) Is it really hard to do?

    Hope you have a nice break from it :)

  2. I was checking out your blog and your crafts are really cute!!!

  3. Hi! Thanks for reminding me that I need to sort out my tax return as well. Let me know if you have any accounting or tax questions as I deal with this every day (I'm an Accountant by Day and Crafter in the evenings/weekends).



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