
Thursday 20 March 2008

365 / 213 - A spring in my step

After the deliciousness of being featured on Craft yesterday, my most recent Crafting 365 pic showed up in Flickr's Explore today! So very very exciting... it's been viewed1,823 times since I uploaded it yesterday! Craziness.
"One of my Crafting 365 pictures is in Explore on Flickr" is unfortunately one of those sentences it's impossible to say to my friends and neighbours without them getting very confused indeed (your what is where in the what now?), so I think they're attributing my good mood to the arrival of spring, haha. It has been pleasingly spring-like here, as it happens. My spring bulbs are looking rather lovely (though I forgot to take pictures of the crocuses before they went over) ...... I love how zing-y the colours are. So fresh and, er, springlike! Lots of colour in the crafting, too, as I've started work on a new series of textile art pieces:
I ran out of black thread, so it's not finished yet but you get the idea. More soon!


  1. heeeeey!
    your things are so cool ahaha
    i work with felt too ...
    see u in etsy ;D

    bai bai


  2. wow, your photo turned up on my Flicker Interestingness feed. The photo caught my attention right away and now I am looking through your blog and flicker. I am so inspired. Fabulous!!!!!

  3. I love all the color & flowers! We're behind you as far as Spring weather goes here in the Northeast U.S. :(
    I need some suggestions from you on good teas to drink...I just gave up drinking coffee, after about 30 years!...and I know you are tea obsessed...any suggestions? TIA
    Smiles, DianeM :)

  4. I'm afraid I don't really have any fancy teas to reccommend, I just drink normal everyday tea from the supermarket, English Breakfast and the occasional cup of Earl Grey when we've run out of everything else! :)

  5. Your work is amazing. Everything it´s awsome!

    I spend hours in your blog :)

    Congratulations from Brazil!
    Anna Carolina


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