
Tuesday 11 March 2008

365 / 203 & 204 - Getting Better, plus: Buttons Galore!

Thanks to much rest, and many a cup of soothing tea I am starting to feel better. It is most marvellous. While I've been feeling under the weather, my crafty pace slowed rather a lot... all I've managed to get done is sewing the backs onto the teacup brooches:
(Two one day, the rest the next) It's not much, but it's great to see them all finished. As I started the teacups when I needed a "poorly" project, it just goes to show what you can get done even when you're not up to doing much and how a little bit of daily crafting can go a long way! I still haven't decided which brooch to keep for myself, but I've narrowed it down to these two:
While I've been taking time off from chores and work and tiring things like that, I've been enjoying lots of cups of tea whilst reading round a few lovely blogs and catching up on my Flickr contacts' latest photos. The theme this week in the crafty universe seems to be buttons, as they seemed to pop up everywhere I looked! RaspberryFairy blogged about lovely buttons, as did TheBlackApple ... Ladyfort enjoyed some "button therapy" with these lovely glass buttons...
... Memake washed some buttons ...
... Seaurchin made some buttons... and LilfishStudios was working on a gorgeous vintage button bouquet...... such a charming idea for a wedding bouquet, and the thought of that big bowl of buttons makes my brain almost explode with buttony delight! Yum yum.


  1. awww!! Buttons!!! They are definately my weakness! Looks like you got some great ones off ebay!

  2. So glad to hear you're on the mend. Those teacup brooches turned out wonderfully.

    Aren't buttons beautiful? Great post, and I'm flattered to have been a part of it.

  3. Oh man, look at all those buttons! Wow, I just love buttons!

  4. I love your teacups. Glad to hear you are getting better quickly.
    Thanks for including my soapy handful of buttons - they are all shiny now!

  5. Ohhh thanks for the fix I'm a button addict - lovely. your teacups are fab and I also love your new tea bag design it's brill

  6. ooooh all those buttons are wonderful!!! and i love the china esque teacups - very pretty indeed!


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