
Monday 4 February 2008

Why No Updates?

Why? Because I have been stuck for almost a week without an internet connection! Doom!
Normal service will hopefully resume soon. In the meantime I am trying not to twitch too much as I go through email/blogging/Flickr/Etsy/etc withdrawal, and am getting lots of sewing done without the internet there to distract me....


  1. Oooo...I hate when that happens! I hope you are back up & running soon - just think how much fun you will have catching up with all your favorite websites :) I look forward to seeing all the projects you've been working on! Smiles, DianeM :)

  2. I stumbled upon your blog the other day and I can't wait until you get regular internet back so you can get back to your blog posts. This has quickly become one of my favorite blogs to read!


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