
Saturday 16 February 2008

365 / 180 - Works in Progress and a New Workspace

Tidying is still the thing. What a mess we are making in the process! I have a new "office" space now though, which is rather nice. It's basically just some shelves under our breakfast bar - which divides our kitchen from our kitchen table (where I work) - but it's still awesome. Please excuse the bad photo, and all the surrounding mess...
Yesterday evening, resting up after much organising, re-organising and moving of furniture, I dug out some works in progress and, er, progressed them. I finished the Orange-Tip butterfly I was working on the day before, stitched a small batch of currently faceless foxes, and started some biscuit brooches because they have been out of stock for far, far too long:
Here's the Orange-Tip close-up...

UPDATE: My felt fox design is now available as a sewing pattern! Visit my shop to see all my printable PDF patterns.

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