
Monday 11 February 2008

365 / 176 - An Explosion of Pink

I had great plans yesterday, but by the time I sat down with my paper and pencil and big pile of felt I was too tired to make any of them work properly... so I made a start on restocking my "I love tea" pins and played around with words and shapes for possible badges...
I like tea. Can you tell? The square brooches remind me a little of the medals on Jim'll Fix It. Hmm... Here's my whole workbox from the evening, along with discs cut out ready to make "I love tea" badges in colours other than pink - much as I like pink, I think I may need a break from it after sewing that lot together!


  1. Wow, that's a lot of pink! :D Cute though!

  2. you sew everything by hand?

  3. Yes, all my work is handstitched! :)

  4. Lovely hand made stitching, gorgeous pink ! Love it !


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