
Tuesday 4 December 2007

365 / 109 - shopping for supplies

I continue to be sewing lots of things and packing lots of parcels - so many parcels in fact that today I had to go out and restock on jiffy envelopes. I like to buy so many of them that I hardly have room to store them as that way there's almost always another pack of them lurking in a cupboard somewhere when I "run out", so there are currently rather a lot of envelopes sitting in my hallway waiting for a home! It seems to be quite the week for stocking up on supplies as so far this week I have bought two types of elastic, many many sheets of felt (some needed but most just too nice to resist), address labels, parcel tape, "sticky notes" (an own brand version of Post-It notes) and a new accounts book because the other one was about to run out of pages. Oh, and I went and stood in the library and photocopied a big stack of copies of My Library Project. The library staff always lurk nearby when I do this as I take so long and make so many copies that they think I must be up to something most suspicious. I will take a nice photo of my supplies haul tomorrow when it is daylight - I left this blogging lark far too late today and it is pitch black outside now, and I do so want to show off the pretty shades of felt I just bought and the nice book I found for my accounts. It's not quite as fancy as the old one but as I no longer live near a branch of Paperchase I must be content with lesser paper goods!

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