
Sunday 2 December 2007

365 / 106 - Tending to Parcels

These parcels are my master. I am their slave.
I have a big pile of jiffy envelopes with post-it notes stuck to them with order details scribbled all over them - what they want, what colour it should be, where they live, whether or not they've paid (and how many £ the $ converted into), all the important info. These jiffy envelopes go in piles, they get addressed and filled with items wrapped in tissue paper (current colour: blue), handwritten thankyou cards get added, the envelopes get sealed and customs labels get added and then I add fun stickers (I like stickers). Then I fill out proof of posting forms and head for the Post Office. The Post Office staff like the stickers quite a lot :)

I would have taken photos of the things I made yesterday to go in the envelopes but they were already packed up by the time I got around to taking the photo!

PS: upon request, you can see some of the thankyou cards here. The rest are just covered in yet more stickers :)


  1. Stickers? Who doesn't love stickers? :D

  2. can we see a pic of the cards? or do we have to buy something to see those? ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oops just tried to add a link to a picture of some of the cards in the comments and it didn't work... I'll add it into the post itself...

  5. Congrats on all your sales and your sticking with the crafting 365. I'm just past my first month of documenting my crafting there. I love your cute items. Like you, I love to thrift and we have what seems to be the world's greatest thrift store here where I am on vacation.


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